DP: date parser (Creates a date or a time span from text)
dp(date, [pattern])Arguments
- date: Date to be used. The Date can be returned by some other function or you can use text. For text dates you can both set it statically using the format '1955y11M12d22h04m00s' to express year 1955, month 11, day 12 at 22:04:00 (all fields are optional), or use 'a/r' (add/remove) operators, so, for example 'a12m3s' will add 12 minutes and 3 secs to current date.
- pattern: A standard Java Date Time format pattern to parse the date
Formula | Description |
$dp(0h0m0s)$ | Today's midnight |
$dp(01M01d0h0m0sa1y)$ | New year's eve |
$dp("2010-07-30T16:03:25Z", auto)$ | Parse date string using ISO / auto format |
$dp(05-07-2010, dd-MM-yyyy)$ | Parse date string using custom date format |
System colors
All Kustom apps can extract color palette from different sources, such as:
- Wallpaper through the
System Info function:
- A given image using the
Bitmap Palette function:
$bp(img, 1)
- System palette either based on wallpaper or
Material You color, see below
Material You
On devices supporting dynamic themes Kustom will try to extract the palette definition from the System. Following colors
will then be available as variables through the
System Info:
...FD: fitness data (activities data, total steps, calories…)
fd(type, [start], [end], [activity/segment], [segment])Arguments
- type: Info type, see examples
- start: Date to be used. The Date can be returned by some other function or you can use text. For text dates you can both set it statically using the format '1955y11M12d22h04m00s' to express year 1955, month 11, day 12 at 22:04:00 (all fields are optional), or use 'a/r' (add/remove) operators, so, for example 'a12m3s' will add 12 minutes and 3 secs to current date.
- end: Date to be used. The Date can be returned by some other function or you can use text. For text dates you can both set it statically using the format '1955y11M12d22h04m00s' to express year 1955, month 11, day 12 at 22:04:00 (all fields are optional), or use 'a/r' (add/remove) operators, so, for example 'a12m3s' will add 12 minutes and 3 secs to current date.
- activity/segment: Activity type, eg running, walking and so on (regexp are accepted), optionally you can put segment here
- segment: Segment when filtering by activity (0 is the first segment the range, -1 the last)
Formula | Description |
$fd(steps)$ | Steps today |
$fd(cals)$ | Active calories today |
$fd(calsr, a0d, a0d)$ | Inactive calories today |
$fd(dista)$$fd(distu)$ | Distance today (in local unit) |
$fd(dist)$ | Distance today (in meters) |
$tf(fd(time))$ | Active time today |
$fd(steps, r1d, r1d)$ | Steps yesterday |
$fd(count)$ | Number of activities today |
Last activity: $fd(activity, r1d, r0d, -1)$ for $tf(fd(time, r1d, r0d, -1))$ $df("hh:mma", fd(start, r1d, r0d, -1))$ | Last activity in the last 2 days |
$fd(steps, 1w) / mu(abs, (tf(1w, D) + 1))$ | Average steps per day this week |
Active for $tf(fd(time), H)$ hours and $tf(fd(time), m)$ minutes | Active time today in hours and minutes |
HR max:$fd(hrmax)$, min: $fd(hrmin)$, avg: $fd(hravg)$ | Max, min and average HR today |
HR:$fd(hrmax, r60s, r0s)$ | Current HR if being recorded |
Sleep:$tf(fd(sleept, 22hr1d, r0h))$ | Sleep time last night |
Elevation:$fd(elema)$$fd(elemu)$ | Elevation gained today in local unit |
Floors:$fd(floors)$ | Floors climbed today |
FL: for loops (execute a statement multiple times)
fl(init, stop, increment, loop, [sep])Arguments
- init: First value of the i variable
- stop: Condition valuue to meet in order to stop, eg 10
- increment: Increment formula, eg i + 1
- loop: Repeat formula or value, i will be replaced with the var
- sep: Optional separator between elements
Formula | Description |
$fl(5, 20, "i + 1", "i", " ")$ | Write numbers from 5 to 20 spaced |
$fl(1, 7, "i + 1", "df(EEE, a + i + d)")$ | Write short name of next 7 days |
$fl(1, tu(seq, 1, 1, 10), "i + 1", "#")$ | Shows from 1 to 10 # symbols, adding one every minute |
From Kustom 3.70 all layers have a new tab called “flows”, what are flows? A flow is a quick way to get one or more
tasks done with your apps. The Flows tab app lets you create your own automations with multiple steps. For example,
download some data from a site then parse the content and download an image from it, or generate some text every hour
or trigger an animation through a global with some delay after a touch.
...How to use Globals
If you open the Advanced Editor you will notice on the first “root” container a tab called “globals”, that section will
allow you to add / remove and change Global variables which are just settings that can be applied to multiple modules at
once. So, how to use them?
So let’s say you have a preset with a lot of text items around and you decide that you want to change the font of all of
these very quickly from a single setting point, so, in this case, you use a Global, so you:
...GV: global variables (get value of a global variable)
gv(var, [default], [index])Arguments
- var: The key of the global to retrieve
- default: An optional default to return if global is not found
- index: An optional index to return a specific item in list globals
Formula | Description |
$gv(fgcolor, #FF0000)$ | Will return the value of var fgcolor or red color if not found |
IF: if conditions (if/then/else support with multiple boolean operators)
if(condition, then, [else])Arguments
- condition: A condition can use any comparison like = (equals), > (greater), >= (greater or equal), < (less), <= (less or equal) combined with boolean operators & (AND) or | (OR) and parenthesis
- then: Text or function to use if condition is true (so if return value is not empty and not 0)
- else: Optional text or function to be called if condition is false (so either empty or 0)
Formula | Description |
$if(df(f)>5, "Week End!", "Workday :(")$ | Will show Week End! during week ends or Workday :( during workdays |
Battery $if(bi(level) = 100, "is fully charged", bi(level) <= 15, "is critically low", "is at " + bi(level) + "%" )$ | Shows status of battery writing fully charged when full, critical if below 15 or the normal level otherwise |
$if(df(MMMM) ~= "a", "Has an A", NO)$ | Will show Has an A if this month name contains an a (regexp allowed), NO otherwise |
$if(wi(code) != CLEAR, "Not Sunny")$ | Will show not sunny if sky is not clear, nothing otherwise |
LI: location info (latitude, longitude, address…)
- type: Info type, see examples
Formula | Description |
$li(loc)$ | Current Locality (ex Hill Valley, if available) |
$li(country)$ | Current Country Name (ex Iceland, if available) |
$li(ccode)$ | Current Country Code (ex US, if available) |
$li(addr)$ | Current Address (if available) |
$li(admin)$ | Current Admin Area (ex CA, if available) |
$li(neigh)$ | Current Neighborhood (if available, locality otherwise) |
$li(postal)$ | Current Postal Code (if available) |
$li(spd)$ | Current Speed in local unit (kmh/mph if available, 0 otherwise) |
$li(spdm)$ | Current Speed in meters per second (if available, 0 otherwise) |
$li(spdu)$ | Current Speed unit (kmh/mph) |
$li(alt)$ | Altitude in local unit (meters/feet with GPS lock only, 0 otherwise) |
$li(altm)$ | Altitude in meters (with GPS lock only, o otherwise) |
$li(lat)$ | Latitude |
$li(lon)$ | Longitude |
$li(lplat)$ | Latitude (low precision ~50m) |
$li(lplon)$ | Longitude (low precision ~50m) |
LV: local variables (get and set local variable values)
Formula | Description |
$lv("foo", "Some Value")$Value is: $lv(foo)$ | Sets a simple variable and shows value using lv() |
$lv("foo", df(m))$$"Minutes are: "+#foo$ | Sets a simple variable and shows value using # |