RM - resource monitor

RM: resource monitor (cpu usage, memory, storage usage…)


rm(type, [fs])


  • type: Info type, see examples
  • fs: FS to get stats from, use int for internal, ext for SD (default) or specify custom absolute path


$rm(cidle)$%Current idle cpu in %
$rm(cused)$%Current used (sys + usr) cpu in %
$rm(cusr)$%Current user cpu in %
$rm(csys)$%Current system cpu in %
$rm(fmin)$MhzMin CPU frequency in Mhz
$rm(fmax)$MhzMax CPU frequency in Mhz
$rm(fcur)$MhzCurrent CPU frequency in Mhz
$rm(mtot)$MBTotal memory in Mb
$rm(mfree)$MBFree memory in Mb
$rm(mused)$MBUsed memory in Mb
$rm(fstot)$MBTotal SD FS space in Mb
$rm(fsfree)$MBFree SD FS space in Mb
$rm(fsused)$MBUsed SD FS space in Mb
$rm(fstot, int)$MBTotal internal FS space in Mb
$rm(fsfree, int)$MBFree internal FS space in Mb
$rm(fsfree, "/sdcard/external_sd")$MBFree space of FS mounted in /sdcard/external_sd in Mb

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