Common Issues

Touch or Launch App Not Working

Touch or Launch App Not Working #

On some device especially XIAOMI or ONEPLUS touch or launch app might not be working, to fix this please do the following:

  • Ensure Kustom and the Launcher are removed from battery optimization
  • Open Kustom settings, on the top select Notification Mode and then press FORCED, you can still hide the notification from android settings please check this article
  • *Optional* grant Kustom Notification access: from Android settings click Apps & Notifications -> Special App Access -> Notifications and grant access to Kustom app

You can also check for more info depending on your device vendor


Unable to add more than a certain number of KWGT widgets

Unable to add more than a certain number of KWGT widgets #

Unfortunately some devices from China, like Oppo, added a non sense limitation to its launcher. There is a limit on the number of similar widgets you can add to your homescreen. Some you can only add one and for some you can only add up to five depending on the device. This is something that we cannot fix from end. It’s really annoying because it is definitely not the standard Android behavior. The only solution is to use an alternative launcher such as Smart Launcher or Nova Launcher.


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