
NC - network connectivity

NC: network connectivity (wifi / phone signal, operator name, network state…)




  • text: Info type, see examples and reference


$nc(csig)$Cell signal from 0 to 4
$nc(operator)$Current cell operator
$nc(dtype)$Current cellular data connection type (LTE, HSUPA…)
$nc(dtypes)$Current cellular data connection short type (4G, 3G…)
$nc(ssid)$Current WiFi SSID (if connected)
$nc(wsig)$Wifi signal from 0 to 9
$nc(csiga)$Cell signal level as an asu value between 0..31, 99 is unknown
$nc(csigd)$Cell signal level in dbm
$nc(wrssi)$Wifi signal raw (RSSI)
$nc(wspeed)$Wifi speed in Megabit
$nc(bt)$Current BlueTooth static, 0 disabled, 1 enabled, 2 connected
$nc(acount)$Count of currently connected Audio Devices
$nc(aname, 0)$Name of the first audio device
$nc(aaddr, 0)$Address of the first BT audio device
$nc(abatt, 0)$Battery of the first BT audio device (when supported)
$nc(airplane)$Airplane mode, 0 if disabled, 1 if enabled
$nc(simcount)$Get current number of active SIMs
$nc(ifip)$Returns IPv4 of first non loopback interface
$nc(ifname)$Returns name of first non loopback interface
$nc(ifip, 1)$Returns IPv4 of second non loopback interface (if present)
$nc(cid)$Cell ID (CID) from network operator
$nc(lac)$Location Area Code (LAC) from network operator
$nc(carrier, 0)$Get SIM operator name for first SIM
$nc(csig, 1)$Cell signal for second sim
$nc(operator, 1)$Current cell operator for second sim
$nc(operator, nc(svoice))$Default SIM Operator for Voice
$nc(operator, nc(sdata))$Default SIM Operator for Data
$nc(operator, 1)$Current cell operator for second sim
$nc(cell)$Current cellular status, one of:: OFF, AIRPLANE, ON, DATA, ROAMING, DATAROAMING
$nc(wifi)$Current WiFi status, one of:: DISABLED, ENABLED, CONNECTED

NI - system notification

NI: system notification (status bar notification data like title, icon, line count…)




  • type: Info type, see examples


$ni(count)$Cancellable notifications count
$ni(scount)$Persistent notifications count
$ni(pcount, com.facebook.orca)$Facebook messenger notifications count
$ni(pcount, com.whatsapp)$Whatsapp notifications count
$ni(pcount,$Gmail notifications count
$ni(0, title)$Title of first cancellable notification
$ni(0, text)$Short text of first cancellable notification
$ni(0, desc)$Long text of first cancellable notification
$ni(0, icon)$Icon of first cancellable notification (to be used as Bitmap formula)
$ni(0, bicon)$Large icon of first cancellable notification (to be used as Bitmap formula)
$ni(0, count)$Lines count of first cancellable notification
$ni(0, pkg)$Pkg of first cancellable notification
$ni(0, app)$App name of first cancellable notification
$tf(ni(0, time))$Time since first cancellable notification
$ni(s0, text)$Short text of first persistent notification
$ni(, text)$Text of first Gmail notification (if there)

RM - resource monitor

RM: resource monitor (cpu usage, memory, storage usage…)


rm(type, [fs])


  • type: Info type, see examples
  • fs: FS to get stats from, use int for internal, ext for SD (default) or specify custom absolute path


$rm(cidle)$%Current idle cpu in %
$rm(cused)$%Current used (sys + usr) cpu in %
$rm(cusr)$%Current user cpu in %
$rm(csys)$%Current system cpu in %
$rm(fmin)$MhzMin CPU frequency in Mhz
$rm(fmax)$MhzMax CPU frequency in Mhz
$rm(fcur)$MhzCurrent CPU frequency in Mhz
$rm(mtot)$MBTotal memory in Mb
$rm(mfree)$MBFree memory in Mb
$rm(mused)$MBUsed memory in Mb
$rm(fstot)$MBTotal SD FS space in Mb
$rm(fsfree)$MBFree SD FS space in Mb
$rm(fsused)$MBUsed SD FS space in Mb
$rm(fstot, int)$MBTotal internal FS space in Mb
$rm(fsfree, int)$MBFree internal FS space in Mb
$rm(fsfree, "/sdcard/external_sd")$MBFree space of FS mounted in /sdcard/external_sd in Mb

SH - shell command

SH: shell command (execute a command in the underlying shell)


sh(cmd, [timeout], [lines])


  • cmd: Command to execute
  • timeout: Refresh timeout in minutes or fractions (default 1 minute)
  • lines: Max lines to output (default 5)


$sh("ps | grep '^u' | wc -l")$Number of user processes
$sh("cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep Hardware | sed 's/.*: //'")$Current CPU technology

SI - system info

SI: system info (next alarm, uptime, device model, dark mode, orientation, rom…)




  • type: Info type, see examples


$df("EEE hh:mma", si(alarmd))$Next alarm formatted date (if set)
$si(alarmt)$Next alarm as original text
$si(alarmon)$Alarm switch, return 1 if alarm is set, 0 otherwise
Next alarm $tf(si(alarmd))$Time to next alarm (if set)
$si(land)$Screen Orientation (gives 0 in portrait, 1 if landscape)
$si(locked)$Device Lock (gives 1 if locked, 0 if not)
Uptime: $tf(df(S) - df(S, si(boot)))$Time since boot (uptime)
$si(volr)$Ringer volume (0 to 100)
$si(vola)$Alarm volume (0 to 100)
$si(ringer)$Ringer mode, one of:: NORMAL, SILENT, VIBRATE
$si(darkmode)$Returns 1 if system dark mode is on
$si(darkwp)$Returns 1 if current wallpaper prefers dark colors
$si(powersave)$Returns 1 if system is in power save mode (saving battery)
$si(wpcolor1)$Primary color of wallpaper if available, 0 otherwise
$si(wpcolor2)$Secondary color of wallpaper if available, 0 otherwise
$si(rwidth)$Width of root container (in kustom points)
$si(rheight)$Height of root container (in kustom points)
$si(rratio)$Aspect ratio of root container (in kustom points)
$si(model)$Phone Model
$si(man)$Phone Manufacturer
$si(build)$ROM Name
$si(aver)$Android version number
$si(mindex)$Module index in its parent
$si(mcount)$Current group module count
$si(mindex, 1)$Module index in its parent's parent
$si(lnchname)$Name of currently set Launcher
$si(lnchpkg)$Pkg of currently set Launcher
$si(pkgname, si(lnchpkg))$Give name of an app from a pkg name
$si(pkgver)$Gives version name of pkg if specified, of kustom if not
$si(pkgvern, si(lnchpkg))$Gives version number of pkg if specified, of kustom if not
$si(system, screen_brightness)$Current screen brightness
$si(swidth)$Width of screen in DPI
$si(sheight)$Height of screen in DPI
$si(sdensity)$Density (Pixel Per DPI)
$si(skpi)$KPI (Pixels per Kustom Point)
$si(wpzoomed)$Returns 1 if wallpaper is currently zoomed (ex: app drawer is open)
$si(sysca1, 50)$System (MaterialYou) first accent color at 50% tone (0 is white, 100 is black)
$si(sysca2, 80)$System (MaterialYou) third accent color at 80% tone
$si(syscn1, 20)$System (MaterialYou) first neutral color at 20% tone

TC - text converter

TC: text converter (cut text, make it lowercase, uppercase, capitalized, use regular expressions…)


tc(mode, text)


  • mode: Conversion mode, l for lowercase, u for uppercase, c for capitalize
  • text: Text to convert


$tc(low, "sOme tExT")$Convert text to lower case
$tc(up, "sOme tExT")$Convert text to upper case
$tc(cap, "sOme tExT")$Capitalize words in text
$tc(cut, "sOme tExT", 4)$Will print only first 4 chars
$tc(ell, "sOme tExT", 4)$Will ellipsize (so cut and add …) if text is longer than 4 chars
$tc(cut, "sOme tExT", 2, 5)$Prints 5 chars starting after the second
$tc(cut, "sOme tExT", -2)$Prints last 2 chars
$tc(count, "To be or not to be", be)$Count the number of times a set of chars appears in text
$tc(utf, "201")$Will render utf code 0x201 (advanced, for font icons)
$tc(len, "sOme tExT")$Will return the length of text
$tc(n2w, 42)$Converts numbers to words
$tc(ord, 1)$Renders ordinal suffix for number 1 (st)
$tc(roman, "Year 476?")$Converts 476 into Roman numeral CDLXXVI
$tc(lpad, 5, 10, 0)$Will left pad the string to 'n' chars length using the provided string (or 0 by default)
$tc(rpad, 5, 10, 0)$Will right pad the string to 'n' chars length using the provided string (or 0 by default)
$tc(split, "SuperXOneXZed", "X", 1)$Split string by char X and prints second segment
$tc(reg, "Foobar one", "o+", X)$Will replace text matching o+ regexp with a capital X
$tc(html, "<b>Four</b> is %gt; than 3")$Converts HTML text into plain text
$tc(url, "an URL parameter with 'strange!' symbols")$URL encode text using UTF-8 or supplied encoding
$tc(fmt, "Padded number '%05d' or text '%5s'", 3, foo)$Convert text and parameters using JAVA format standard
$tc(nfmt, "Total is 30000.12")$Converts numbers to proper locale format
$tc(lines, "This is two lines")$Return number of lines on a given text
$tc(json, "{'a':1,'b':2}", ".a")$Parse string as a JSON Path expression and return result
$tc(type, "Это лучшее приложение в мире!")$Returns text type of the string, one of:: LATIN, NUMBER, ARABIC, CYRILLIC, GREEK, HIRAGANA, KATAKANA, CJK
$tc(asort, "zebra apple banana")$Sorts words alphabetically
$tc(asort, "cherry:apple:banana", ":", "desc")$Sorts words in descending alphabetical order
$tc(nsort, "3,1,2", ",")$Sorts numbers numerically
$tc(nsort, "afoo2:blabla3:zebra1", ":")$Extract numbers and sort words by extracted numbers

TF - time span

TF: time span (format a relative time span, like 3 hours ago or in 3 days))


tf(date, [format])


  • date: Date to be used. The Date can be returned by some other function or you can use text. For text dates you can both set it statically using the format '1955y11M12d22h04m00s' to express year 1955, month 11, day 12 at 22:04:00 (all fields are optional), or use 'a/r' (add/remove) operators, so, for example 'a12m3s' will add 12 minutes and 3 secs to current date.
  • format: Optional format to be used for the time, see examples


$tf(bi(plugged))$Time since last battery plugged/unplugged
Midnight $tf(0h0m0sa1d)$Time to midnight (we first set the time to 0 hours, 0 mins and 0 sec then we add one day at the end)
Midnight in $tf(0h0m0sa1d, hh:mm:ss)$Countdown to midnight (same as before but we use custom format)
$tf(ai(sunset) - ai(sunrise))$Current duration of daylight, automatic format
Tonight $tf(ai(sunrise, a1d) - ai(sunset), "h' hours' and m' minutes'")$ of darknessDarkness duration, manual format
Sunrise in $tf(ai(nsunrise), M)$ minutesMinutes till next sunrise

TS - traffic stats

TS: traffic stats (current download / upload speed, data usage statistics…)


ts(type, [unit], [start], [end])


  • type: Data type (use trx for total bytes download and ttx for total uploaded, tt for total uploaded downloaded, mrx/mtx/mt for mobile only stats and wrx/wtx/wt for wifi only traffic)
  • unit: Unit, a for auto (default, will add unit), b for bytes, k for kilobytes or m for megabytes
  • start: Traffic stats start date
  • end: Traffic stats end date


$ts(trx)$Current download speed in automatic unit
$ts(ttx)$Current upload speed in automatic unit
$ts(mt, a, r0d)$Total mobile traffic today
$ts(mt, a, r1d, r1d)$Total mobile traffic yesterday
$ts(mt, a, r1w)$Total mobile traffic in the last 7 days
$ts(mt, a, 2d)$Total mobile traffic from the second day of this month
$ts(mt, a, 1dr1M, 1dr1d)$Total mobile traffic last month (from the 1st to the last day of the month)

TU - timer utilities

TU: timer utilities (pick number, image or file every minute, hour…)


tu(mode, [timer])


  • mode: Mode (see examples)
  • timer: Timer (in minutes, can be a fraction like 0.1)


$tu(rnd, 1, 10, 20)$Return a random number between 10 and 20 every minute
$tu(seq, 1/4, 1, 100)$Goes from 1 to 100 (included) changing every 15 seconds
$tu(rndimg, 15, "/sdcard/pictures")$Pick a random image file from directory every 15 minutes
$tu(rndimg, 5, "/sdcard/pictures", "txt")$Pick a random image file matching pattern every 5 minutes
$tu(rndfile, 15, "/sdcard/foo")$Pick a random file from directory every 15 minutes
$tu(rndfile, 5, "/sdcard/foo", "txt")$Pick a random file matching pattern every 5 minutes

UC - unread counters

UC: unread counters (get number of unread SMS, missed calls, emails…)


uc(mode, [param], [account])


  • mode: Mode (see examples)
  • param: Parameter (see examples)
  • account: Account (index or pattern, when available)


$uc(sms)$Unread SMS count
$uc(sms, text)$First unread SMS text
$tf(uc(sms, date, 1))$Second unread SMS receive date
$uc(sms, from, 2)$Third unread SMS sender number
$uc(calls)$Missed calls count
$uc(calls, num)$Last missed call number
$uc(calls, name)$Last missed call name (if available, number otherwise)
$tf(uc(calls, date))$Time since last missed call
$uc(gmail)$Gmail unread count for Inbox
$uc(gmail, forums)$Gmail unread count for Forums label
$uc(gmail, promo, color)$Gmail Promotions label color
$uc(gmail, updates, count, foo)$Gmail total messages on Updates label in foo account
$uc(gmail, social, unread, 1)$Gmail unread messages on Social label in second account
$uc(whatsapp)$Unread WhatsApp conversations
$tf(uc(whatsapp, date, 1))$Second unread WhatsApp receive date
$uc(whatsapp, from, 2)$Third unread WhatsApp sender

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