Bitmap Palette

BP - bitmap palette

BP: bitmap palette (extracts colors from images like cover art or local pictures)


bp(mode, bitmap, [default])


  • mode: Color to extract (see examples)
  • bitmap: Cover art, bitmap global, http resource or full path to a file
  • default: Default color to use when nothing is found


$bp(muted, mi(cover))$Extract muted color from cover art
$bp(vibrant, mi(cover))$Extract vibrant color from cover art
$bp(dominant, mi(cover))$Extract dominant color from cover art
$bp(mutedbc, mi(cover))$Extract muted body text color from cover art
$bp(vibrantbc, mi(cover))$Extract vibrant body text color from cover art
$bp(mutedtc, mi(cover))$Extract muted title text color from cover art
$bp(vibranttc, mi(cover))$Extract vibrant title text color from cover art
$bp(dmuted, mi(cover))$Extract muted dark color from cover art
$bp(dvibrant, mi(cover))$Extract vibrant dark color from cover art
$bp(dmutedbc, mi(cover))$Extract muted dark body text color from cover art
$bp(dvibrantbc, mi(cover))$Extract vibrant dark body text color from cover art
$bp(dmutedtc, mi(cover))$Extract muted dark title text color from cover art
$bp(dvibranttc, mi(cover))$Extract vibrant dark title text color from cover art
$bp(lmuted, mi(cover))$Extract muted light color from cover art
$bp(lvibrant, mi(cover))$Extract vibrant light color from cover art
$bp(lmutedbc, mi(cover))$Extract muted light body text color from cover art
$bp(lvibrantbc, mi(cover))$Extract vibrant light body text color from cover art
$bp(lmutedtc, mi(cover))$Extract muted light title text color from cover art
$bp(lvibranttc, mi(cover))$Extract vibrant light title text color from cover art
$bp(dominanttc, mi(cover))$Extract dominant title text color from cover art
$bp(dominantbc, mi(cover))$Extract dominant body text color from cover art

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