
BR - broadcast receiver

BR: broadcast receiver (get variables from third parties, es Tasker)


br(source, var)


  • source: Source name, eg tasker or zooper
  • var: Variable name, if the variable contains a formula the formula will be parsed


$br(kwgt, FOOBAR)$Will write the value of variable FOOBAR sent from Kustom Widget Flow
$br(tasker, FOOBAR)$Will write the value of variable FOOBAR sent from Tasker action plugin
$br(zooper, FOOBAR)$Will write the value of variable FOOBAR sent to Zooper from Tasker or third party plugins (equivalent in Zooper would be #TFOOBAR#)
$br(remote, FOOBAR)$Will write the value of variable FOOBAR sent to Kustom via remote message (see remote token in advanced settings)

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