Broadcast Receiver

BR - broadcast receiver

BR: broadcast receiver (get variables from third parties, es Tasker)


br(source, var)


  • source: Source name, eg tasker or zooper
  • var: Variable name, if the variable contains a formula the formula will be parsed


$br(kwgt, FOOBAR)$Will write the value of variable FOOBAR sent from Kustom Widget Flow
$br(tasker, FOOBAR)$Will write the value of variable FOOBAR sent from Tasker action plugin
$br(zooper, FOOBAR)$Will write the value of variable FOOBAR sent to Zooper from Tasker or third party plugins (equivalent in Zooper would be #TFOOBAR#)
$br(remote, FOOBAR)$Will write the value of variable FOOBAR sent to Kustom via remote message (see remote token in advanced settings)

How to send variables from Tasker

How to send variables from Tasker #

With Kustom’s Tasker integration, you should now be able to send your Tasker variables to the Kustom apps using the Broadcast receiver function and a tasker plugin. To do this:

Sending a variable from a Tasker task #

  1. Open Tasker and go to the Tasks tab
  2. Add a new task by tapping on the “+” button from the bottom right
Tasker Task
  1. Give your task a name and tap on the “check” button
Tasker Task
  1. Tap the “+” button to add a new action
Tasker Task
  1. Go to the Plugin category
Tasker Task
  1. Select a Kustom app on the list
  2. Select the Send Variable kustom action
Tasker Task
  1. Tap on the “pen” icon next to Configuration
Tasker Task
  1. Provide the Kustom Variable and Tasker String and tap on the “check” button
Tasker Task
  1. Tap on the back arrow
Tasker Task
  1. Tap on the “Play” button to execute the action
Tasker Task

Receiving the Tasker variable from the Kustom app #

  1. Add a text element to your preset
  2. Change the Text attribute formula to $br(Tasker, kVar)$, where kVar is the Kustom Variable name you set from step 9 of the previous part.
Tasker Task
  1. Save and check your widget
Tasker Task

** You can apply the Tasker task you just created to any of your Tasker profile


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