Global Variables

GV - global variables

GV: global variables (get value of a global variable)


gv(var, [default], [index])


  • var: The key of the global to retrieve
  • default: An optional default to return if global is not found
  • index: An optional index to return a specific item in list globals


$gv(fgcolor, #FF0000)$Will return the value of var fgcolor or red color if not found

How to link komponent and root global variables

How to link komponent and root global variables #

There are instances when you need to access your root global variables from a komponent. To do this, the two variables needs to be linked. The steps below demonstrate how this is done.

  1. Create a Text global variable (rootVar) in your root directory with some data
  1. Create another Text global variable (kVar) in your komponent and leave it empty
  1. Tap on the check box next to your list kVar
  2. Tap on the “globe” icon from the top right
  1. Tap on the “globe” icon that’s appended to your kVar variable
  1. Select rootVar from the list
  1. Add a Text element in your komponent with the following formula: $gv(kVar)$

rootVar rootVar


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