Network Connectivity

NC - network connectivity

NC: network connectivity (wifi / phone signal, operator name, network stateā€¦)




  • text: Info type, see examples and reference


$nc(csig)$Cell signal from 0 to 4
$nc(operator)$Current cell operator
$nc(dtype)$Current cellular data connection type (LTE, HSUPA…)
$nc(dtypes)$Current cellular data connection short type (4G, 3G…)
$nc(ssid)$Current WiFi SSID (if connected)
$nc(wsig)$Wifi signal from 0 to 9
$nc(csiga)$Cell signal level as an asu value between 0..31, 99 is unknown
$nc(csigd)$Cell signal level in dbm
$nc(wrssi)$Wifi signal raw (RSSI)
$nc(wspeed)$Wifi speed in Megabit
$nc(bt)$Current BlueTooth static, 0 disabled, 1 enabled, 2 connected
$nc(acount)$Count of currently connected Audio Devices
$nc(aname, 0)$Name of the first audio device
$nc(aaddr, 0)$Address of the first BT audio device
$nc(abatt, 0)$Battery of the first BT audio device (when supported)
$nc(airplane)$Airplane mode, 0 if disabled, 1 if enabled
$nc(simcount)$Get current number of active SIMs
$nc(ifip)$Returns IPv4 of first non loopback interface
$nc(ifname)$Returns name of first non loopback interface
$nc(ifip, 1)$Returns IPv4 of second non loopback interface (if present)
$nc(cid)$Cell ID (CID) from network operator
$nc(lac)$Location Area Code (LAC) from network operator
$nc(carrier, 0)$Get SIM operator name for first SIM
$nc(csig, 1)$Cell signal for second sim
$nc(operator, 1)$Current cell operator for second sim
$nc(operator, nc(svoice))$Default SIM Operator for Voice
$nc(operator, nc(sdata))$Default SIM Operator for Data
$nc(operator, 1)$Current cell operator for second sim
$nc(cell)$Current cellular status, one of:: OFF, AIRPLANE, ON, DATA, ROAMING, DATAROAMING
$nc(wifi)$Current WiFi status, one of:: DISABLED, ENABLED, CONNECTED

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